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Supporting and Expanding Aquaculture in the Midwest through Extension and Outreach



The general focus of this project will be to collaborate with the North Central Regional Aquaculture Center’s (NCRAC’s) Industry Advisory Council (IAC) to develop a sustainable program that will be beneficial for established farmers throughout the Midwest; which will hopefully increase productivity and decrease costs.

Chaired by Matthew A. Smith


  1. Build upon previously successful Extension and outreach programs to enhance the established North Central Region (NCR) industry by assisting farmers, educating educators, and assessing and prioritizing the needs of the NCR industry in ways that will not be probable at this time without NCRAC support.
  2. Act in a liaison capacity on a variety of collegiate, state, regional, and national committees to ensure the NCR is well-represented when issues or opportunities that can or will affect the NCR aquaculture/aquaponic industry arises.
  3. Develop and strengthen partnerships from within the NCR and outside the region among regulatory agencies, industry, academia, and other relevant entities to foster open, meaningful dialog on critical issues and build support for the NCR aquaculture/aquaponic industry.
  4. Work closely with the liaisons of every NCRAC funded project to assist in developing and achieving strong deliverables to the industry.
  5. Coordinate efforts for seeking non-NCRAC support for NCR aquaculture development; including consumer perception of aquaculture/aquaponics and technology transfer.

Comprehensive Project Outline

Termination Report

Award Amount


Award Number


Principal Investigator

Matthew A. Smith