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Rapid Determination of Amino Acid Requirements of Yellow Perch and Tilapia



The third nutrition funded project.  Chaired by Robert Hayward.


  1. Conduct a full literature search on amino acid composition, amino acid requirements, and feed formulations for yellow perch and Nile tilapia.
  2. Evaluate body amino acid composition of yellow perch and Nile tilapia.
  3. Evaluate limiting amino acid requirements of yellow perch and Nile tilapia.
  4. Evaluate amino acid availability of dietary ingredients for yellow perch and Nile tilapia.
  5. Develop a least-cost diet formulation model available to the NCR aquaculture industry within a two-year period for yellow perch and Nile tilapia.
  6. Coordinate findings from this study with the Technical Committee Extension Subcommittee of NCRAC.
InstitutionPrincipal InvestigatorsObjectivesYear 1Year 2Total
University of MissouriRobert S. Hayward (Jeffre D. Firman, Karthik Masagounder, Co-PIs)1-6$42,500$37,500$80,000

Project Outline (224K pdf file)

Termination Report

Project Number: 3

Award Amount


Award Number
