We propose an unconventional NP strategy with dietary PP for yellow perch (YP) Perca flavescens using live food as a vehicle. We believe this innovative feeding approach will become a practical way for enhancing utilization of diets based on high levels of cost-effective plant raw materials.
- To determine if Nutritional Programming of yellow perch larvae via live food improves dietary plant protein utilization in yellow perch during later life stages.
- To determine the mechanism underlying the Nutritional Programming responsible for improved dietary plant protein utilization:
- To determine if Nutritional Programming mitigates any inflammatory or morphological changes in the gut responsible for improved digestion of dietary plant protein.
- To assess if Nutritional Programming changes gut microbial communities responsible for improved digestion of dietary plant protein.
- To communicate the Nutritional Programming concept via live food, Nutritional Programming feeding strategy protocol, and live food enrichment formulation that could be used by fish farmers and feed manufacturing industry, to improve plant protein-based diets utilization during yellow perch grow-out phase.
Chairperson: Karolina Kwasek, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, 1125 Lincoln Dr. Life Science II, rm. 251, Carbondale, IL, 62901
Industry Advisory John Bowzer, ADM Animal Nutrition, Archer Daniels Midland Company,
Council Liaison: 1001 North Brush College Rd., Decatur, IL, 62521
Extension Liaison: Matthew Smith, Madison County Extension Office, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, 217 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140
Project Outline
Duration: 2 years (July 1 2019 – June 30, 2023)
Award Amount
Award Number
2016-38500-25753, Year 1; 2018-38500-28887, Year 2
Principal Investigator
Dr. Karolina Kwasek; Dr. Bethany Rader