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Formulation and Assessment of a New Generation of Starter Diets for Largemouth Bass and Yellow Perch Larvae



Formulation and Assessment of a New Generation of Starter Diets for Largemouth Bass and Yellow Perch Larvae

Chaired by Konrad Dabrowski


  1. To raise larval LMB and YP on live rotifer/brine shrimp nauplii diets as a control and transition to commercial formulated feed (Otohime) or laboratory prepared microparticulate diets.
  2. To prepare a Pichia pastoris (yeast) culture in order to obtain sufficient biomass of the product proven to be successful in diets for marine and freshwater fish larvae. In addition, we will express salmon trypsinogen in Pichia to increase the protein digestion capacity of larval fish fed with this ingredient.
  3. To compare growth rate, survival, and swim bladder inflation of LMB and YP in side-by-side laboratory (OSU and UW-Madison) and practical, on-farm (Coral Reef, New Albany, OH) experiments during the larval-juvenile transition period.
Principal Investigator (Institution)Objective(s) Total
Konrad Dabrowski  (Ohio State University)1-3$19,500
Jason C. Slot (Ohio State University)1-3$7,000
Terence P. Barry (Univ. of WI - Madison)1-3$8,500

Project Outline

Termination Report


Award Amount


Award Number
