The objectives of this funded aquaculture drug project are:
1. Interact with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) todetermine the data required to validate a determinative method for the AQUI-S® marker residue in fillet tissue from all species of coolwater and warmwater finfish.
2. Validate a proposed determinative method for the AQUI-S® marker residue in fillet tissue from all species of coolwater and warmwater finfish following Good Laboratory Practices.
3. Submit to an AQUI-S® Investigational New Animal Drug exemption a final report describing validation of a proposed determinative method for the AQUI-S® marker residue in fillet tissue from all species of coolwater and warmwater finfish.
4. Gain from CVM approval of the proposed method to be used as the official determinative method for the AQUI-S® marker residue in fillet tissue from all species of coolwater and warmwater finfish.
Principal Investigator/Institution | Objective | Funding |
Jeffery R. Meinertz/ USGS, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center | 1 - 4 | $129,936 |
Project Outline (60K pdf file)
Termination Report (103K pdf file)
Project Number: 7
Award Amount
Award Number