The Crayfish Funded Project was chaired by Paul B. Brown. The objectives of this funded project include:
1. To complete a study of the status of the crayfish industry in the north central states, relative to its extent, culture operations in use, market characteristics, and problems which need to be addressed by research.
2. To complete a report on indigenous crayfish species appropriate for culture in the North Central Region, to include species life histories, ranges of distribution, economic assessment of appropriate culture production systems, a bibliography of pertinent literature, and a summary of critical information gaps.
3. To conduct preliminary trials evaluating the performance of several promising indigenous species in pond culture.
Principal Investigator/Institution | Objective | Funding |
Paul B. Brown (Purdue University) | 1-3 | $20,878 |
Harold E. Klaassen (Kansas State University) | 1-3 | $14,799 |
Rober J. Sheehan (Southern Illinois University - Carbondale) | 1-3 | $14,000 |
Total | $49,677 |
Crayfish Funded Project - Outline (140K pdf file)
Culture Potential of Selected Crayfishes in the North Central Region (Technical Bulletin #112)
Termination Report (89K pdf file)
Project Number: 1
Award Amount
Award Number