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Comprehensive outreach and training program to expand development of NCR aquculture



This project proposal will complement the webinar series, and enhance learning outcomes for participants by providing multiple hands-on, advanced aquaculture techniques workshops throughout the NCR. Topical areas for these fee-based workshops will include but not be limited to culture techniques for important NCR aquaculture species, advanced aquaculture systems design and management, aquaculture business and marketing, water quality maintenance, advanced fish health diagnostics and aquaculture regulatory issues.

Chaired by D. Allen Pattillo


1.     Develop a comprehensive training program that addresses subject priorities critical to the advancement of NCR aquaculture.

2.     Identify a core team of subject experts who can develop and deliver high quality presentations and demonstrations throughout the NCR.

3.    In cooperation with NCR states, deliver workshops and training region-wide.

4.    Develop a comprehensive evaluation plan to assess the adoption/integration of information to the target audience.

InstitutionPrinciple InvestigatorObjective(s)Year 1Year 2Total
Iowa State University (ISU)D. Allen Pattillo  1,2,3,4$44,322$39,074$83,396
University of Minnesota (UMN)Nicholas B. D. Phelps1,2,3,4$21,490$13,240$34,730
Ohio State University (OSU)Matthew A. Smith1,2,3,4$20,809$20,028$40,837

Project Outline

Termination Report

Project Number: 29



Award Amount


Award Number


Principal Investigator

Mr. D. Allen Pattillo