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Choice of Seafood: An Analysis of the North Central Region Market for Farm Raised Seafood Project



This project proposes a survey within the North Central Region (NCR) to identify marketing channels’ choices of seafood according to their constraints and demand perception. Assuming that marketing channels define the pool of options from which consumers choose seafood species and product form, this survey will be designed to identify their preferences and willingness to pay for farm-raised seafood, by species, quantity required, quality perception and preferred form of product.


This research will be designed to obtain information relevant to listed NCRAC research priority topics including:

  1. To design survey questions to identify, through seafood marketing channels’ choice:
    1. consumer’s preferred species,
    2. consumer’s perception and willingness to pay for alternative forms of seafood: fresh, refrigerated, frozen, processed (fillet, smoked and canned),
    3. consumer’s quality expectations,
    4. factors influencing consumer purchase of aquaculture products,
    5. other possible benefits and attributes NCR aquaculture products can offer to consumers, and
    6. niche market location and potential for specific/unique aquaculture species.
  2. To compare consumer perception and preference for locally originated versus out-of-the-NCR-region and out-of-country;
  3. To identify consumer willingness to pay a premium price for a local/regional brand;
  4. To identify preferred forms of seafood: fresh, refrigerated, frozen, processed (fillet, smoked and canned);
  5. To identify consumer quality expectation;
  6. To identify factors influencing consumer purchase of farm-raised seafood versus wild catch;
  7. To identify other possible benefits and attributes NCR aquaculture products can offer to consumers;
  8. To identify niche market location and potential for specific/unique aquaculture species;
  9. To disseminate research results in a multi-regional format using tangible technique-centered bulletins for conversion of farm structure or production methods, if our research identifies production systems, species or best practice certification labels required by market players.


Chairperson:                                                     Dr. Simone Valle de Souza

Co-Investigators:                                              Dr. Bill Knudson and Dr. Kwamena Quagrainie

Industry Advisory Council Liaison (s):              Dan Vogler and Ernie Birchmeier

Extension Liaison (s):                                       Dr. Ron Kinnunen and Dr. Paul Hitchens

Project Outline

Choice of Seafood: An Analysis of the North Central Region Market for Farm Raised Seafood Project


Funding Request:                                               $198,608.00

Duration:                                                              July 1st 2019 to June 30th 2021 - 2 years


Award Amount


Award Number
