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Aquaculture Economics, Marketing and Policy for the North Central Region


(funded project #2)


The second Economics and Marketing Funded Project was chaired by Leroy Hushak.  The project included the following objectives:

1. Update data in information management system and produce a second Situation and Outlook Report on the North Central Regional Aquaculture industry (a third annual report is dependent on additional budge for fiscal year 1992-93, year 2 of the biennium).

2. Investigate economic production and marketing feasibility for selected species currently produced in the North Central Region and for other species which offer commercial potential.

3. Develop and implement an extension program designed to educate current and potential aquaculture producers on the need to provide accurate economic information on their operation.


Principal Investigator(s)/InstitutionObjective(s)Funding
Bruce J. Sherrick (University of Illinois)    2$19,300
David J. Landkamer (University of Minnesota)    3$  3,000
Leroy J. Hushak/Mary E. Gerlow (Ohio State University) 1 & 2$31,000

Project Outline (119K pdf file)

Survey of Wholesale and Retail Buyers in the Six Southern States of the North Central Region  - Technical Bulletin #104, 128K pdf file

Termination Report (53K pdf file)

Author: Dr. Leroy J. Huskak, Ohio State University
Project Number: 2

Award Amount


Award Number
