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Aquaculture Economics and Marketing in the North Central Region


Funded Project 3


The third Funded Project was chaired by Pat O'Rourke. The objective of the project was to:

1. Develop cost of production budgets and expected revenues for the raising of food-sized walleye, yellow perch (YP), and hybrid striped bass (HSB) on farms in the North Central Region.


Principal Investigators/InstitutionObjectiveFunding
Patrick D. O'Rourke (Illinois State University)Walleye$21,700
Susan T. Kohler (Southern Illinois University-CarbondaleHSB$10,000
Marshall A. Martin/Jean R. Riepe (Purdue University)YP$  8,230

Project Outline (162K pdf file)

Termination Report (47K pdf file)

Other Resources:

Project Number: 3

Award Amount


Award Number
