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Funded Project #20 - 2nd Regional Aquaculture Extension Specialist (RAES) Project



The twenthieth project - Chaired by Christopher Weeks


  1. In conjunction with the NCRAC Industry Advisory Council and state aquaculture extension contacts, assess and prioritize North Central Region (NCR) industry needs, focusing on issues with regional significance.
  2. To develop and implement strategies to address pertinent needs.  Shall interact with pertinent NCRAC and non-NCRAC aquaculture initiatives to accomplish identified strategies (Regional Aquaculture Extension Team, Aquaculture Regional Extension Facilitator, Sea Grant, etc.).
  3. Develop and facilitate “linkages” among agencies, industry, academia, and other relevant entities to foster open, meaningful dialog on critical NCR issues.
  4. To coordinate efforts for seeking non-NCRAC support to facilitate information and technology transfer to the industry.


Principal Investigator/Instutition Objectives


Christopher Weeks (Michigan State) 1-4 $150,000



RAES Termination Report.pdf

Project Number: 20

Award Amount


Award Number
